Friday, September 5, 2008

On Talking About Race

A lot of prominent authors like to say that we need to talk about race issues in order to end racism. Or at least, the ones on the Colbert Report do. Every time this comes up, I wonder about it.

Because, it seems to me, that maybe, a kid who is raised to believe that Blacks and Whites and Asians and Hispanics and Arabs and all these other races are treated differently is more likely to believe that they are different, versus a kid who is raised without anyone mentioning race at all. It seems to me, that the latter kid is going to grow up thinking dark skin versus white skin or almond eyes versus round eyes are like brown hair versus blond or brown eyes versus blue. They're just different ways for people to look.

Admittedly, it would be difficult to reconcile this with preserving cultural identities, if kids are raised without thinking about races more specific than the human race, but as far as I can tell, the less we keep talking and talking about race and how racism is such a problem, the less racism we see (now that we have civil rights and everything. Of course it was different back in the 50's when discrimination was institutionalized rather than a personal matter).

If we want our kids to judge people based on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin, let's stop making such a big damn deal about the color of people's skin.

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